Custom Materials Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Contact InformationCustomer / Company Name *Phone *Email *File UploadMatching a certain profile? Upload a sketch with dimensions here to see if we can match it! Logs & SidingWall Log Profile"D"SquareBeveledRound/RoundFull Round*logs will be quoted in kiln-dried eastern white pine unless otherwise specified.Log Size6 x 12 H ("D", Square)6 x 8 H ("D")6 x 8 W ("D", Round/Round)8 x 8 ("D", Round/Round)8 x 12 H ("D", Square)8 inch (Full Round)10 inch (Full Round)12 inch (Full Round)Linear Footage of Logs# of Log CoursesLog CornersDovetailButt & PassSaddlenotch# of CornersLog Profile Siding2 x 6 "D"2 x 8 "D"2 x 12 "D"2 x 8 Square with Chink Slot2 x 12 Square with Chink SlotLinear Footage of Log SidingFalse CornersDovetailButt & PassBeams & Timbers(8' - 20' Lengths)Wood SpeciesEastern White PineWestern Douglas FirOther - (Please Specify)2 x 4 - Quantity / LengthSurface OptionsChoice 7Rough SawnFresh SawnHand HewnS4SS1S2EOther (Please specify in notes)2 x 8 - Quantity / LengthSurface Options Choice 7Rough SawnFresh SawnHand HewnS4SS1S2EOther (Please specify in notes)2 x 10 - Quantity / LengthSurface OptionsChoice 7Rough SawnFresh SawnHand HewnS4SS1S2EOther (Please specify in notes)2 x 12 - Quantity / Length Surface OptionsChoice 7Rough SawnFresh SawnHand HewnS4SS1S2EOther (Please specify in notes)4 x 4 - Quantity / LengthSurface Options Choice 7Rough SawnFresh SawnHand HewnS4SS1S2EOther (Please specify in notes)4 x 6 - Quantity / Length Surface OptionsChoice 7Rough SawnFresh SawnHand HewnS4SS1S2EOther (Please specify in notes)4 x 8 - Quantity / Length Surface OptionsChoice 7Rough SawnFresh SawnHand HewnS4SS1S2EOther (Please specify in notes)4 x 10 - Quantity / LengthSurface OptionsChoice 7Rough SawnFresh SawnHand HewnS4SS1S2EOther (Please specify in notes)4 x 12 - Quantity / Length Surface OptionsChoice 7Rough SawnFresh SawnHand HewnS4SS1S2EOther (Please specify in notes)6 x 6 - Quantity / LengthSurface OptionsChoice 7Rough SawnFresh SawnHand HewnS4SS1S2EOther (Please specify in notes)6 x 8 - Quantity / LengthSurface Options Choice 7Rough SawnFresh SawnHand HewnS4SS1S2EOther (Please specify in notes)6 x 10 - Quantity / LengthSurface OptionsChoice 7Rough SawnFresh SawnHand HewnS4SS1S2EOther (Please specify in notes)6 x 12 - Quantity/ LengthSurface OptionsChoice 7Rough SawnFresh SawnHand HewnS4SS1S2EOther (Please specify in notes)8 x 8 - Quantity/ Length Surface Options Choice 7Rough SawnFresh SawnHand HewnS4SS1S2EOther (Please specify in notes)8 x 10 - Quantity/ LengthSurface OptionsChoice 7Rough SawnFresh SawnHand HewnS4SS1S2EOther (Please specify in notes)8 x 12- Quantity/ LengthSurface OptionsChoice 7Rough SawnFresh SawnHand HewnS4SS1S2EOther (Please specify in notes)AccessoriesOutlast™ NBS 30 Additive - Insect Repellent - # of PintsPPG Proluxe Cetol® Log & Siding Wood Finish - Exterior StainChoice 9Natural OakDark OakButternutCedarNaturalTeakNatural Light# of GallonsPerma Chink Lifeline™ Ultra 7 - Exterior StainChoice 10CaramelOakAlmondCedarBronzeChestnutSmokeEucalyptusRustic Gray# of GallonsPPG Proluxe Cetol® -Interior StainChoice 4BL Interior - Clear SatinUV Interior - Clear Matte# of GallonsPerma Chink Lifeline™ Acrylic - Interior StainChoice 4Clear GlossClear Satin# of GallonsEPS Foam Insulation Panels - # of Panels4' x 8' (R -38) (OSB Pre-Bonded to Panel) Include Fasteners for Insulation Panels?YESNOInclude Freight?YESNOUNSURE, PLEASE QUOTEShipping Location for Freight EstimateAddress Line 1City--- Select state ---AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingStateZip CodeNotes:CommentSubmit